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Address:4/F, Building 8, Nangang Second Industry Zone, Xili, Nanshan District,Shenzhen, China.
Q Q:2489597314
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Product details
White Balance Color Checker Card for white reproduction
The White Balance Color Checker target delivers accurate white reproduction. As lighting conditions change, your camera shifts the way it reproduces white; resulting in color shifts in your photos or video footage. Most white balance targets aren’t neutral and could cause colors to shift under different lighting conditions. But the White Balance Color Checker target is a scientifically engineered, absolute neutral white reference that prevents color shifts and provides precise, uniform surface that is spectrally neutral – in any lighting condition. That means you can be confident the image or footage you capture is as close to real life as possible.
White Balance Color Checker Card also gives you a way to adjust your digital camera's color sensitivity to exactly match the ambient lighting conditions; in effect, change what the camera "sees." The perceived color of white changes based on ambient conditions—outdoor it is perceived to be cooler, indoor it is perceived to be warmer, and under fluorescent light, greener. Even in a controlled studio environment, this can be a problem. Whether on location or in your studio, establishing an accurate custom white balance before each photo session or video shoot ensures accurate colors from the start.
White Balance Color Checker Card is a full-size version of the white balance target included in both ColorChecker Passport products. The actual color of the target is a light gray which provides the best white balance result.